Affiliate Disclosure

When a visitor clicks on an affiliate link present on Mishlers Fitness, purchases are processed on external affiliate company websites. The prices are the same for the visitors, whether they buy the product from an affiliate or a non-affiliate link.

At Mishlers Fitness, you will find two main types of affiliate programs:

Amazon Affiliate Links

Mishlers Fitness is a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Network, which is an affiliate advertising programme that allows website owners to earn money by linking to and related sites, as well as other Amazon Services LLC Associates Program-affiliated sites.

Product Affiliate Links

If you purchase a product after clicking on an affiliate link, the website owner will receive a portion of the transaction or some other kind of revenue.

Prices are the same whether you use affiliate links or not. By following the link, you will not be charged any further fees. These aren’t “pay per click” links.

What about sponsored programs?

We do not provide sponsored content. In fact, it is our highest aim to deliver genuine, unbiased information to our readers in order to assist them in making better purchasing decisions. In fact, if someone is interested in sponsoring material, it will be stated right up front that we do not accept such offers.