Going to your first yoga class can be a daunting task and figuring out what to wear only heightens the uncertainty, but luckily for you we have you covered, and below is a complete overview of what guys do guys wear to a Yoga class.
There are a few important aspects to think about when deciding on the type of clothing to wear and these are as follows.
- Prioritize Comfort
- Wear clothes that keep everything in place
- Be smart in the materials that you choose
- Dress for the type of yoga you are doing
- Comfort is king
The most important thing about any clothes that you plan on wearing to a yoga class is comfort. Having the freedom to move in a diverse range of motion that isn’t restrictive is integral. So you should be choosing clothes that move with you.
As a general rule of thumb clothes with a blend of lycra or elastane are a strong choice as they have a great level of elasticity. They will move with you as you flow through the class and you won’t even need to think about adjusting your clothing in a pose.

Keep everything in place
In Yoga, you put your body in all sorts of different angles, so keeping everything in place is of high importance. You don’t want anything to slip out while you’re in a leg lift or similarly flexible pose. So, the attire that you chose should be form-fitting and comfortable.
This goes for the t-shirt or tank you chose as well. You want to avoid baggy tops as they will ride up when you do downward dogs or any poses where you fold. It is very annoying. So always go for clothes that hug the body.
Be smart in the materials that you choose
It’s important to be aware of the materials that you should be looking for when you are looking for appropriate clothing. Avoid materials such as cotton and linen as they absorb moisture.
Most sportswear brands will have a moisture-wicking technology such as Nike’s Dri Fit. These technologies are mainly made of synthetic fibers such as polyester or nylon, but the product description will call out if they are moisture-wicking or not, so look out for that when you’re buying.
The type of yoga you are doing
There are many different styles of Yoga so depending on the style you chose you should be dressing appropriately. By no means do we mean there’s any sort of formal rules about what men can wear to class.
These recommendations are solely to aid your comfort levels and your performance on the mat. The main thing you need to take into account when it comes to styles of Yoga is whether you are doing hot yoga or not. If you are doing hot yoga all pieces of attire should be moisture-wicking. We advise going for a singlet/tank top and shorts so you don’t overheat. Make sure that you have a layer of clothing to put on once the class is finished too.
Where you practice Yoga also comes into your clothing decision, but in general, if you are unsure of the temperature in a studio or if you’re practicing outside, just layer up.
There is a lot of bending, reaching, and general movement in Yoga, so having a form-fitting top is important. You don’t want to be having to pull down your top every time you go into a forward fold or downward dog. So, wear a top that moves with you and stays in place. When you consider the material for a yoga top.
Think of something that is moisture-wicking and flexible. The best option is a high-tech polyester that extracts the moisture from the skin to the outside of the fabric. This is really important as you want to remove moisture from the skin. Doing so will keep you cool and dry as you exercise.
Depending on the type of yoga that you are doing, singlets or tank tops may be a better option if you’re doing hot yoga or a higher intensity power yoga class, but this is really just a personal choice.

Layer it up
Whether practicing in a warm studio or out in the elements you should layer up to keep yourself warm. Depending on the style of Yoga that you are practicing the progression of movement may be quite slow.
So, if you’re inspired by the temperature levels of where you’re practicing, layer up and you can remove layers as you begin to heat up. It’s also good to have some extra layers that you can use as blankets to drape over you when you are relaxing in your savasana. Although this is probably most relevant if you are practicing at home. You don’t want to be lugging blankets with you to your gym or yoga studio.
After the session is complete it’s also good to have layers to put on after your class so your body temperature doesn’t drop too much.
Shorts and leggings
Shorts are definitely the best option here. Try to avoid baggy shorts as you’ll want the shorts you’re wearing to cling to your legs as you move. The shorts should ideally be between 5-7 inches in length. These may be a little shorter than you are usually used to wearing, but that extra space will provide you a little more freedom to move in your poses.
It is a good option to wear compression shorts under your shorts if you want to make sure everything stays in place.
If you are practicing at higher temperatures or partaking in Hot Yoga then shorts are your go-to choice.
Tracksuit pants are also a good option if you are practicing in a cooler climate outside or just need that extra bit of warmth. The thing to be wary of with tracksuit pants is that they are not too baggy, but also aren’t too tight so they don’t restrict your movement.
Men’s Yoga pants are also perfectly acceptable to wear. All of the Yoga clothing brands offer men’s specific variants. These are very functional items to wear to a yoga class. They keep everything in place, are moisture-wicking, and are super comfortable. There sometimes can be a hesitancy for men to go with this choice, but don’t be afraid to give these a try. You won’t regret it.
No Socks necessary
This is probably the weirdest time about Yoga class for first-time Yogis and there can be a tendency to keep your socks. The reason why it is better to practice in your bare feet is that your feet offer you a better grip compared to you wearing socks.
If you wear socks your workout will actually be more difficult because you won’t be able to leverage your leg muscles as much as you could with socks off. So do yourself a favor and make your practice a little easier by ditching the socks. Anyone who has practiced Yoga before will be doing the same, so no need to feel uncomfortable.

What can you expect from your first yoga class?
Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise that focuses on both your mind and body and develops the connection between the two. You’ll be amazed at how good of a workout Yoga really is. It works the complete range of muscles in your body and is a great foundation for any fitness journey.
For your first Yoga class, you most likely won’t be able to do a lot of the poses to the levels of your classmates, but it’s important to take it slow, make improvements incrementally and learn to enjoy the time that you spend on the mat. You can expect to be sore the day after your first class, but it’s the good type of sore. So, give it a try. You won’t regret it.
Do I need any accessories?
Yoga is great because there is very little equipment needed to practice, but there are a few items that can make your practice run a little smoother. Investing in your own Yoga mat is top of the list in terms of accessories you need.
Although most studios provide their own mats, if you plan on practicing Yoga often you should buy one for yourself. Yoga mats come in varying thicknesses, levels of grip, and sizes. So finding one that suits your needs is important. If you need more information for deciding the right mat for you check out our article on the best mats.
Another item that you should consider having is a water bottle. Staying hydrated as you exercise is important, but don’t drink too much. Especially if you are doing any type of inversions. A water bottle is especially important if you are doing hot yoga as you lose a lot of water through sweat with this type of yoga.